
Showing posts from December, 2022

Women's Empowerment

                    WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT            WOMEN OF THE WORLD, UNITE!    Explore women's activism generations past and present                                                               What is Women's Empowerment? What do we understand by the word empowerment? What's the need for women's empowerment? So many questions are there which need the answer. But firstly, before thinking about WHAT? we need to know WHY? why we need women's empowerment. Women are one of the most underrated words we have ever heard. It's the 21st century till today when we think about women the very first thing that comes to our mind the majority of the time is a daughter, housewife, and mother, basically this all is the second lead role or supporting roles in our society.  In India, in today's day, Male child persists As Over 80% of parents Want 'At Least One Male Child' In Their Lifetime. And the fun fact is that they are okay with no female Child, this shows