Women's Empowerment

                   WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT

   Explore women's activism generations past and present 

What is Women's Empowerment? What do we understand by the word empowerment? What's the need for women's empowerment? So many questions are there which need the answer. But firstly, before thinking about WHAT? we need to know WHY? why we need women's empowerment.

Women are one of the most underrated words we have ever heard. It's the 21st century till today when we think about women the very first thing that comes to our mind the majority of the time is a daughter, housewife, and mother, basically this all is the second lead role or supporting roles in our society. 

In India, in today's day, Male child persists As Over 80% of parents Want 'At Least One Male Child' In Their Lifetime. And the fun fact is that they are okay with no female Child, this shows the importance of females in society. When in a house there are two children one boy and another girl. Only, Girl is made to learn cooking and other house core work with their studies and said this will help them in the future, and when the time comes for higher studies, a male child is always the first preference, and the girl is always left behind and said we have to marry you also so we can't afford both your studies as well as marriage and marriage is given the first preference over higher studies in female case. After 75 years of independence today also women are not independent, they are still fighting for freedom. Women are not allowed to go out of their house without the permission of the male member of the family. And this is not the only situation in India 80% of the world thinks women as a supporting role. Girls in 93 countries can legally become child brides. 1 out of 4 people lives in a country that prohibits abortion, even to protect a woman's life. It is recognized the fact that things cannot simply work in someone's favor because of their gender. 


Promoting women's sense of worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. Women empowerment is when women have the freedom and choice to make their own decision. It is all about equality in society, empowerment is all about raising the status of women's education awareness literacy, and training.


 Empowerment is the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities. It is the process of becoming stronger one more confident, which helps in fighting for own right. Empowerment is the capacity of individuals or groups to take control of their circumstances, exercise power and achieve their own goals, and the process by which, individually and collectively, they can help themselves and others to maximize the quality of their lives.


Gender inequality is the reason behind the need for women's empowerment, the ill-treatment that women are receiving for ages. Gender-based violence like economic discrimination, sati, dowry, traditional violence, etc. Women are always treated inferior to men; we are living in a male dominating society for ages. Today women are not even safe in our country rape, molestation, and acid attacks are so normal for girls in our country. India is one of the most unsafe countries for women, India has still not changed its thinking about women they still feel women are made just for the house to take care of family members. Today we have so many successful women in India that are examples that women are not behind in any field either in business or sports or in any other field of life. Yet, people are unable to understand that women are equal to men. Empowering women is also important for the development and reducing poverty. The government needs to program and project to spread awareness to encourage women to come out of their houses and fight for their rights. Gender equality is first and foremost, a human right. Every individual has a right to live their life with respect and dignity. Gender equality is acknowledged as being a key to achieving their goals. Women should learn to achieve their goals.

No matter how developed or progressive the country is but has ill-treated women. In all parts of the world, women receive less formal education than men, and at the same time, women's knowledge, and abilities are often unrecognized, and women facing threats to their lives, health, etc. They suffer isolation in the family and society. 

Women's empowerment is the most important topic today women need to be educated and become self-independent; they need to be self-confident and know what's right and wrong for them they should not be afraid of the male and know their self-respect they are not the toy that people can use the way they want women are human and equal to men.




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