
National Commission for Women Act, 1990

INTRODUCTION  The National Commission for Women Act, 1990 is an Indian legislation that established the National Commission for Women (NCW) in India. The NCW is a statutory body responsible for promoting and protecting the rights of women in the country. The Act outlines the functions and powers of the NCW and its role in addressing issues related to the status of women and ensuring their well-being. It has been amended several times to enhance the commission's effectiveness in advocating for women's rights and gender equality. NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN The National Commission for Women was formed in 1992 under the National Commission Act 1990. It is a commission having the authority to review constitutional safeguards for women in the country. The main recommendation of the commission is to facilitate redressal mechanisms and also to take legislative measures to curb the disparity. HISTORY The Committee on the Status of Women in India (CSWI) made suggestions 20 years ago.


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Networking is Networthing

  It’s difficult to connect with people while pursuing your selfish agenda. By nature, connecting is a giving experience.” –John C. Maxwell. Networking is a way to build relationships by being yourself and being generous to others.  Networking is the process of making connections and building relationships. This connection can  help you with many ways like: Get fresh ideas, Advance your career, Access new information, Get career advice and support, Build confidence, Gain a different perspective, Develop long-lasting personal relationships. Networking contributes to your social well-being. Networking leads to the exchange of ideas.  How networking works? People generally join networking groups based on a single common point of interest that all members share. The most obvious is a professional affiliation, such as stockbrokers. Still, some people find effective networking opportunities in a college alumni group, a church or synagogue social group, or a private club. Networking helps a p

Women's Empowerment

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